If anyone's confused by Trump's behavior in the face of the Coronavirus threat, here are the three keys for understanding anything he does:
- He only ever acts in his own interest.
- He's too dumb to think in terms of his long-term interest.
- Even when his handlers manage to convey something of long-term importance to him, he lacks the impulse control to consistently act on it.
I'm writing this on the second day of the impeachment trial in the Senate. I haven't even checked on today's impeachment news yet, and I have no idea how the trial will end. (Actually, it's pretty clear what the verdict of the GOP-controlled jury will be, but what we don't know is how it will play out and how it will affect public opinion.)… [more]
A long time ago, in an age of craftsmanship that seems far, far away, a trilogy of movies blazed into existence like a hypergiant star, burning briefly bright and then hinting all too soon at its own eventual demise.
A poem I wrote 30 years ago, in the days following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
Oakland, October 17-19, 1989… [more]
It's Election Day 2018, and I'm seeing it again: social media posts by ultra progressive friends celebrating Democratic victories as evidence of the imminent Revolution and decrying Republican victories as the result of voter suppression or voting machine shenanigans. Underlying these responses is the idea that the vast majority of Americans are really progressive at heart, and the only thing that's stopping their Voice from being heard is a corrupt Establishment whose overthrow would result in all the people celebrating their newfound freedom.… [more]
Brett Kavanaugh has just been appointed for life to the highest court in the land. I believe that the best Democratic (and democratic) response we can make is to retake the Senate that confirmed him.
On this day of the March For Our Lives, I'd like to share an excerpt from my current work in progress, Matoaka, a novel of Pocahontas, John Smith, and John Rolfe.
The entire novel is written in the form of prayers by Pocahontas (who is a daughter of the high chief of the Powhatan nation, and whose true name is Matoaka), diary entries by John Smith (one of the leaders of the Jamestown settlement), third person narratives from Smith's point of view, and letters by John Rolfe, a tobacco farmer who arrives at Jamestown late in the book.… [more]
I've recently begun supporting several political organizations on a monthly basis. They mostly have these characteristics in common:… [more]
In the 1970's, conservative Christians formed an organization called The Moral Majority, the point of the "majority" part of the name being their conviction that they and those like them formed a majority of Americans, whose wishes were being disregarded by the liberal (minority) establishment. The name was also a play on the "Silent Majority," coined by Richard Nixon to refer to those Americans (again, allegedly in the majority but overlooked by the liberal mainstream media) who were opposed to the countercultural protests of the 60's.… [more]
A lot of people see the political struggle between the Left and the Right as a game of capture-the-flag. We battle the other team to set our candidate on that hilltop, and once we do, we win the game. Thinking along these lines, many Bernie Sanders supporters were certain that if they could just get him elected president, everything would change.… [more]