Author Archives: Freeman Ng

A novel of Joan of Arc

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I've just self published my novelization of the life of Joan of Arc!

It's gotten a couple of good reviews so far.

Tim Wynne-Jones, author of the Horn Book Award winning YA novel Blink & Caution, called it "An intimate meditation, textured and ingenious," while Kirkus Reviews described it as "An engrossing religious and historical account…"

You can read more about it and order copies at[more]

Solstice lullaby

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photo by Biswarup Ganguly

An excerpt from my work in progress, The Death of Arthur. (A sequel to The Light of the Grail, which I'll probably be self-publishing some time soon after I self-publish Joan, my novelization of the life of Joan of Arc.)

In this passage, Elaine, the daughter of King Pelles of Carbonek, describes to her servant Brisen her visit in disguise to her homeland, where she finds her father incapacitated and the land made barren as suggested by rumors that had reached her in the kingdom of Arthur.


Summer/Autumn News

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Voices For Joan

I've decided to self publish my novelization of the life of Joan of Arc in Summer of 2014. Help me build up my mailing list in preparation for the big release and win signed copies of the book! Enter the Voices For Joan contest here.

The Wineskin Project

All the Gospel plays for the Fall quarter are now available for download from the Wineskin Project website.… [more]

CreateSpace: a Review

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I recently self-published a collection of my best haiku from the first year of my daily haiku writing experiment, Haiku Diem, through CreateSpace, the affiliated print-on-demand service (see the FAQ below if you don't know what print-on-demand is) and have been asked by friends what the experience was like and whether I'd recommend CreateSpace for similar book projects of theirs.… [more]

On the Norway attacks

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First, read this courageous comment on the bombing and shooting in Norway.

We had our own "Oslo moment" here in the U.S., of course: the 9/11 attacks. In the aftermath, there was a lot of talk about tightening national security even at the cost of compromising our freedoms. A point that was often made in defense of more, and more extreme, measures was that no matter how strong our security was already, the terrorists would only need to find one crack in the wall, and they'd be in again.… [more]