50 haiku in 50 days
Two days ago, I posted my 50th haiku in 50 days on Haiku Diem, and this seems like a good point at which to reflect on how the effort is going.… [more]
Two days ago, I posted my 50th haiku in 50 days on Haiku Diem, and this seems like a good point at which to reflect on how the effort is going.… [more]
I just learned that today is International Pi Day and thought I'd share this poem I wrote a while back:… [more]
I've begun an experiment to see if I can write one new haiku every day.… [more]
A few years ago, a friend (picture book author, blogger, and bookstore owner Elizabeth Bluemle) was giving me her editing notes on an early draft of my first novel when I stumbled onto a trick that has made my efforts at revision not only easier, but more effective ever since. … [more]