Category Archives: politics

Local weather as a commentary on climate change

Or: “A Snowball’s Chance”

Several years ago, Republican U.S. Senator James Inhofe brought a snowball into the Senate as “proof” that climate change was a hoax. This exemplified a common misunderstanding about global warming: that the entire biosphere would heat up uniformly like a cup of tea, when in reality, the global weather system is much more complex. (And even that cup of tea probably contains subtle layers and currents.)… [more]

Bridging the Blue-Red Divide

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I regularly post recommendations on how we ordinary Democrats can best contribute to electoral victories.

Here are some ideas I have about efforts that only those with power, money, or influence might be able to make. If you like any of them, share them as widely as you can, and maybe one or more of them will find their way into the hands of someone who can make it happen.… [more]

Engaging the Right Wing Echo Chamber

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Democrats are beginning to understand the power and extent of the right wing media bubble. For the past three election cycles, many of us have asked, “How could so many people have voted for someone like Trump?” More and more, we’re realizing that the answer is not any particular issue or line of reasoning, not anything “deplorable” about the people themselves, but: “Because right wing media was their sole source of the news.” [more]

What We Can Do – Between Elections

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I regularly post recommendations for the most effective giving we can do each election season, and more and more, my top choices have featured organizations that do their work all year round — for which, in fact, the most effective work occurs well in advance of any election.

I’m repeating those recommendations here and adding other groups that don’t just turn out existing voters to the usual contests, but also grow the electorate and expand the range of challenges we need to make to MAGA extremism at every level of government, in every locality.… [more]

The Company We Keep: Abortion

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This is the first of a series of posts I’ll be making about how political positions we hold compare with the policies of the other countries of the world. Often, the propaganda of the political parties within this country can give us a distorted view of what’s normal, and the “echo chambers” that we create for ourselves through our social media circles and our choice of news sources can distort that view even more.… [more]

All the USPS petitions (and more)

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This is a list of all the biggest petitions I can find related to saving the Post Office from GOP attacks that Donald Trump recently admitted (in another of those classic blurts that must make his team cringe) are intended specifically to suppress the November 2020 vote.

Please sign them all, and let me know if I missed any.

Another good idea I’ve seen passed around is to directly support the USPS by buying stamps.… [more]

That The Power Might Take Knee

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In the course of the protests sweeping our nation, police in many cities transformed potentially incendiary standoffs into powerful visions of unity and hope by kneeling, marching, and mourning with the protesters they swear to serve and protect. Not all of them maintained that stance, but many did. I’ve written this anthem to celebrate the moments they created. It can be sung to the tune of our national anthem.… [more]

A Trump-Coronavirus Primer

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If anyone’s confused by Trump’s behavior in the face of the Coronavirus threat, here are the three keys for understanding anything he does:

  1. He only ever acts in his own interest.
  2. He’s too dumb to think in terms of his long-term interest.
  3. Even when his handlers manage to convey something of long-term importance to him, he lacks the impulse control to consistently act on it.